Security News > 2020 > January > The Edge is Near. Are You Ready?

The Edge is Near. Are You Ready?
2020-01-16 15:07

Security devices can no longer rely on off-the-shelf CPUs to process security traffic because they are slow, inefficient, and extremely expensive.

Security devices need access to the same enhanced performance that is only provided by specialized security processors so things like inspecting encrypted traffic, analyzing raw data, and moving from detection to prevention can happen at the speeds that digital business requires.

Security will also need to function as an integrated component of the network and networked devices, such as access points and edge servers.

Finally, security must increasingly rely on learning nodes distributed across the edge that have been enhanced by AI and machine learning.

At the same time, organizations need to prepare now by reducing vendor sprawl, replacing legacy security devices that operate in a silo, integrating the security solutions they have deployed across their expanding networks, and implementing a security-first development strategy.

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