Security News > 2020 > January > SS8 launches new virtualized end-to-end lawful intelligence platform for CSPs

SS8 launches new virtualized end-to-end lawful intelligence platform for CSPs
2020-01-16 04:00

SS8 Networks, the leader in Lawful Intercept and Monitoring Center platforms, is proud to announce the launch of its new virtualized end-to-end lawful intelligence platform to meet the demands of 5G data volumes and complex monitoring needs.

SS8's innovative cloud-based solution is designed to enhance both the speed and the reliability of network mediation capabilities.

Proactively designed to support low to zero-touch deployments, SS8's new virtualized platform is now available for all Communications Service Providers globally.

"Keith Bhatia, COO of SS8 Networks, said:"Lawful Intelligence has been SS8's focus for 20 years.

"SS8's new platform greatly improves the real-time visibility into IoT devices and provides Law Enforcement Agencies with the best intelligence possible."

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