Security News > 2020 > January > Emotet remains the dark market leader for delivery-as-a-service

Emotet remains the dark market leader for delivery-as-a-service
2020-01-16 06:00

The report found that Emotet accounted for almost 20% of confirmed malware incidents, reinforcing its role in the black market as the preferred delivery tool.

As the organized cybercrime ecosystem continued to mature in 2019, Emotet remains the dark market leader for delivery-as-a-service.

The report also examines the increase in abusing trust when it comes to cyberspace: from phishing campaigns using trusted cloud services to host kits and pages to Emotet harvesting emails to later reply to threads and reuse subjects and from impersonation attacks to compromising managed service providers, threat actors are employing an ever-evolving range of strategies and tactics to bypass defenses.

As outlined in the report, targeted phishing campaigns rode trusted cloud services to host malware kits and fraudulent sites, and Emotet based credential harvesting to parasitize legitimate email accounts and hijack threads, reuse active subjects and impersonate trusted sources.

Dominating ransomware families: A significant number of successful ransomware attacks against enterprises - including governments, managed service providers and large businesses - can be attributed to just six ransomware families.

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