Security News > 2020 > January > Peekaboo Moments baby-recording app has a bad database booboo

Peekaboo Moments baby-recording app has a bad database booboo
2020-01-15 11:05

No need to wait until you've gurgled out of your mother's womb to experience the joys of having your privacy breached, thanks to a mobile app called Peekaboo Moments.

Ehrlich told Information Security Media Group that the 100GB database contains more than 70 million log files, with data going back as far as March 2019.

The frosting on the cupcake: Ehrlich found that the Peekaboo Moments' API keys for Facebook - which enable users to take content they've uploaded to Facebook and post it in the Peekaboo app - have also been exposed, potentially enabling an attacker to get access to content on users' Facebook pages.

"We completely understand how these moments [are] important to you," croons the Peekaboo Moments app.

Like, say, the millions of SMS messages leaked by enterprise texting services provider TrueDialog last month, the Elasticsearch database with customer data for 7.5 million Creative Cloud accounts found gaping wide open in October, or the leaky database full of Groupon emails.

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