Security News > 2020 > January > How to better protect your organization's most valuable data

How to better protect your organization's most valuable data
2020-01-15 19:37

"Anecdotally, we have found several cases of surprisingly large organizations with valuable data and critical infrastructure with little more than an anti-virus program running on their endpoints prior to our engagement. Even complete network coverage can miss something as straightforward as an attacker returning to an organization with successfully phished credentials."

"Having the strategic insight about what attackers are capable of, what kind of tools they are using, and how valuable your data and infrastructure can be is fundamental to understanding the lengths you have to go to protect them."

The more familiar your people are with phishing tactics, real-world phishing examples, and phishing avoidance habits, the more resilient your organization will be.

Once an organization has six or more locations, it is a near certainty that it will experience a security incident in any given year.

Permissive application policies and a failure to enforce more restrictive policies both can make an organization more vulnerable.

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