Security News > 2020 > January > Companies increasingly reporting attacks attributed to foreign governments

Companies increasingly reporting attacks attributed to foreign governments
2020-01-15 06:12

More than one in four security managers attribute attacks against their organization to cyberwarfare or nation-state activity, according to Radware.

Companies in North America were more likely to report nation-state attribution, at 36%. "Nation-state intrusions are among the most difficult attacks to thwart because the agencies responsible often have significant resources, knowledge of potential zero-day exploits, and the patience to plan and execute operations," says Anna Convery-Pelletier, Chief Marketing Officer at Radware.

"These attacks can result in the loss of sensitive trade, technological, or other data, and security teams may be at a distinct disadvantage."

Companies are increasingly adding and relying upon new paradigms, like microservices, public and hybrid clouds, and IoT, which means the infrastructure is harder to monitor for attacks.

About 30% of businesses stated that data theft as a result of a breach was their top concern following an attack, down from 35% the previous year, followed by service outages at 23%. Meanwhile, 33% said that financial gain is a leading motivation for attacks.

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