Security News > 2020 > January > 2020 forecast: Attackers will target non-traditional systems

2020 forecast: Attackers will target non-traditional systems
2020-01-14 08:07

While plenty of attacks will continue to hit traditional targets such operating systems and humans, 2020 will see many attackers taking aim at non-traditional systems.

Containers, connected devices and the communications between the two technologies will be a primary focus of both security researchers and attackers.

Here are four predictions of where attackers are headed in 2020 - areas that your technology security team should focus their efforts on.

The proliferation of connected devices whose manufacturers have not fully considered security implications will make the IoT a target of both security researchers and attackers for years to come.

One of the most active areas of development for attackers is in increasing the intelligence of their automated systems, especially bots.

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