Security News > 2020 > January > Police Surveillance Tools from Special Services Group

Police Surveillance Tools from Special Services Group
2020-01-10 14:41

Special Services Group, a company that sells surveillance tools to the FBI, DEA, ICE, and other US government agencies, has had its secret sales brochure published.

Motherboard received the brochure as part of a FOIA request to the Irvine Police Department in California.

Another product is a video and audio capturing device that looks like an alarm clock, suitable for "Hotel room stings," and other cameras are designed to appear like small tree trunks and rocks, the brochure reads.

Other products include more traditional surveillance cameras and lenses as well as tools for surreptitiously gaining entry to buildings.

The Motherboard article also reprints the scary emails Motherboard received from Special Services Group, when asked for comment.

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