Security News > 2020 > January > Oil-and-Gas Specialist APT Pivots to U.S. Power Plants

Oil-and-Gas Specialist APT Pivots to U.S. Power Plants
2020-01-10 12:58

A known APT group with ties to the Iran-linked APT33, dubbed Magnallium, has expanded its targeting from the global oil-and-gas industry to specifically include electric companies in North America.

Dragos initially identified Magnallium's expansion into targeting North American electric entities because of activity from a group called Parisite that cropped up in its telemetry.

"Magnallium appears to still lack an ICS-specific capabilityThe group remains focused on preliminary information-gathering and access operations that can be used for a future attack against ICS-related organizations."

Xenotime is the firm's name for the group behind the 2017 Trisis malware attack on a Saudi Arabian petrochemical facility.

A previous analysis from Dragos found that the group had pivoted to North American targets.

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