Security News > 2020 > January > 'Serious' Cyber Attack Hits Austrian Ministry

'Serious' Cyber Attack Hits Austrian Ministry
2020-01-06 09:32

Austria's foreign ministry has been targeted by a "Serious cyber attack", officials said, warning another country could be responsible.

The attack, which began Saturday, was continuing on Sunday and "Experts say it could last several days," a foreign ministry spokesman told AFP. The interior and foreign ministries issued a statement about the attack which started shortly before 11.00 pm on Saturday.

"Due to the gravity and nature of the attack, it cannot be excluded that it is a targeted attack by a state actor," the statement said.

The attack came as Austria's Greens on Saturday gave the go-ahead to a coalition with the country's conservatives at a party congress in Salzburg, removing the last obstacle to the unprecedented alliance.

The German government's IT network was hit by a cyber attack in 2018.

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