Security News > 2012 > September > CFP: WiSec'13 - Budapest, Hungary (Deadline Oct 29)

CFP: WiSec'13 - Budapest, Hungary (Deadline Oct 29)
2012-09-27 08:34

Forwarded from: Wenyuan Xu ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                  The Sixth ACM* Conference on Security and Privacy          in Wireless and Mobile Networks                   ACM WiSec '13                  April 17-19, 2013                  Budapest, Hungary ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * ACM approval pending          IMPORTANT DATES Submission Deadline: Oct 29 Notification Date: Jan 20 Camera-Ready Deadline: Feb 15  BROADENED SCOPE WiSec has been broadening its scope and seeks to present high quality research papers exploring security and privacy aspects of wireless communications, mobile networks, and their applications. Beyond the traditional Wisec staples of physical, link, and network layer security, we also welcome papers focusing on the security and privacy of mobile software platforms and the increasingly diverse range of mobile or wireless applications. The conference welcomes both theoretical as well as systems contributions. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: * Mobile malware and platform security * Security & Privacy for Smart Devices (e.g., Smartphones) * Wireless and mobile privacy and anonymity * Secure localization and location privacy * Cellular network fraud and security * Jamming attacks and defenses * Key extraction, agreement, or distribution in wireless and mobile settings

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