Security News > 2011 > May > 4th Summer School on Network and Information Security (NIS'11) - CALL FOR PARTICIPATION

Forwarded from: Ioannis Askoxylakis =========================================================================== OUR SINCERE APOLOGIES IF YOU RECEIVE MULTIPLE COPIES OF THIS ANNOUNCEMENT =========================================================================== *************************************************************************** CALL FOR PARTICIPATION 4th Summer School on Network and Information Security (NIS'11) 27 June - 1 July 2011 Heraklion, Crete, Greece *************************************************************************** KEYNOTE SPEAKERS Mr. Pantelis Tzortzakis, Special Advisor to the Prime Minister on ICT, GR Martin Borrett, Director of the IBM Institute for Advanced Security Europe, UK Mr. Suleyman Anil, Head of the Cyber Defence Section in the Emerging Security Challenges Division, NATO Prof. Bart Preneel, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven BE Dr. Marc Dacier, Symantec, FR Mr. Jesus Villasante, Head of Unit Trust and Security, F5, INFSO, EU Mrs. Bridget Cosgrave, Director General, DIGITALEUROPE, BE *************************************************************************** FULL PROGRAM REGISTRATION *************************************************************************** SCOPE The notion of Risk is fundamental in Information Security. A number of factors influence Information Security Risks. By taking into account dynamics, dependencies and complexity inherent to Information Technology we speak about Changing Risk Landscape. Besides technology, other factors that can lead to changes in the risk landscape are global developments, political decisions, market trends and social phenomena, both in public sector and private businesses. It becomes clear, that the risk "ecosystem" is a very complex one and embraces large number of viewpoints, dependencies and actors. By putting the Changing Risk Landscape in the focus of this yearâs event, we aim at emphasizing the dynamic nature of Information Security Risks and promote exchange of ideas towards global preparedness, participation and coordination of all related issues. Furthermore, we aim at attracting all those stakeholders who have a significant role to play in understanding the factors affecting changes in the risk landscape. Following the success of NIS'08, NIS'09 and NISâ10, the 4th Summer School on Network and Information Security (NIS'11) will cover topics that address legal, technical and policy issues in this emerging world. ENISA and FORTH have taken the initiative to create this Summer School following the recognition of the importance of NIS and the need for transferring knowledge, raising awareness and engaging stakeholders. The Summer School aims to provide a forum for experts in Information Security, policy makers from EU Member States and EU Institutions, decision makers from the industry, as well as members of the research and academic community, for interacting on cutting edge and interesting topics in NIS. *************************************************************************** VENUE NIS'11 will take place in Hersonissos, Crete, Greece. Hersonissos is a small town approximately 30km from Heraklion and its airport. For instructions of how to get to the conference venue, please visit the travel information section on the NIS web page. The venue of the Summer School is Aldemar Knossos Royal Village. Aldemar Knossos Royal Village hotel is a magnificent resort located on the north coast of the island of Crete in Hersonissos. *************************************************************************** NIS'11 IN THE SOCIAL MEDIA Follow NIS in Facebook and Twitter and submit your ideas:!/NIS_School *************************************************************************** Steering Committee * Dr. Udo Helmbrecht, Executive Director of ENISA, EU * Prof. Constantine Stephanidis, Director of FORTH-ICS, GR, Member of ENISA Management Board ***************************************************************************