Security News > 2011 > May > N.K. denies responsibility for S. Korean bank hacking

N.K. denies responsibility for S. Korean bank hacking
2011-05-11 08:10 By Song Sang-ho The Korea Herald 2011-05-10 North Korea on Tuesday said that South Korea’s recent announcement pinpointing it as the culprit for the April 12 cyber attack was a "fabrication," denying its role in the nation’s worst-ever banking system crash. The North’s Defense Ministry spokesperson issued a statement, claiming that the announcement last Tuesday was the “same fabrication” as the sinking of the corvette Cheonan, according to its official Korean Central News Agency. Investigators at the Seoul Central District Prosecutors’ Office said the Reconnaissance General Bureau, the North’s premier intelligence body, orchestrated the “unprecedented cyber terror attack” that paralyzed the banking system of the National Agricultural Cooperative Federation, or Nonghyup, for several weeks. “The allegations that the North is responsible for the attack are baseless and ridiculous. (The announcement) is the same fabrication as the sinking of the Cheonan,” said the statement carried by the KCNA. [...]

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