Security News > 2011 > March > (Slightly Off-Topic) The Greatest Pre-Launch Start-Up Pitch Ever?

(Slightly Off-Topic) The Greatest Pre-Launch Start-Up Pitch	Ever?
2011-03-28 07:09

This is slighty off-topic for InfoSec News, but I've started paying attention to the venture capital security space for possible inclusion in the next version of ISN. BUT... if you're an angel or venture capitalist and would like to hear a couple of interesting security and networking ideas, please drop me a line at wk (at) infosecnews [Dot] org and I'll be happy to put you in touch with those parties. So I've watched this YouTube video below about three times, and I was convinced this was one of the best social engineering stunts ever caught on video, til I started 'lightly' researching 'Rachel Sequoia' and found the article below, now I'm not so sure, I think she's serious. Enjoy! William Knowles @ -==- By Liz Gannes NetworkEffect AllThingsD March 25, 2011 It’s start-up demo season in Silicon Valley (not that pitching start-ups ever goes out of season in California). And here is a video of the Silicon Valley start-up pitch in its most ultimate form. I have watched this at least four times tonight. Let’s not give away too much of the big idea, but every good pitch needs…Stories of personal relevance! Mumbo-jumbo about a big market! A plan to spend and make money! Boasts of differentiated technology! A check-in app! “Share the Air” lacks none of these. How real is this? Well, presenter Rachel Sequoia apparently did participate in an investor pitch session at the one (and only?) meeting of the Venture Capital Fundraising Club of Silicon Valley in February. [...]

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