Security News > 2011 > March > Facebook Chief Security Officer to Keynote 2nd Annual HITB Security Conference in Europe Facebook Chief Security Officer to Keynote 2nd Annual HITB Security Conference in Europe Utrecht, The Netherlands 02 March 2011 After the success of last yearâs inaugural event, Hack In The Box Security Conference is taking over the Krasnapolsky once again from the 17th till the 20th of May. This deep knowledge security conference brings a unique mix of security professionals, researchers, law enforcement and members of the hacker underground under one roof, with the focus of discussing new and groundbreaking attack and defense methods. HITB2011AMS will be a 4-day event, starting with 2 days of intensive hands-on training sessions followed by a two-day conference with four simultaneous tracks including a hands-on lab session (HITB Labs) and a 15 minute lightning talks segment (HITB SIGINT). Alongside the confernece proceedings there will also be an industry exhibition and technology showcase area which is open to public. The event kicks off on Tuesday the 17th of May with two days of four mind-blowing technical training sessions. French security researcher and Founder of TEHTRI-Security, Lurent Oudot, teaches a hands-on self-defense course on Hunting Web Attackers, while Shreeraj Shah and Vimal Patel of BlueInfy will be giving attendees an inside look into testing the security of web applications in their Web Hacking 2.0 class. If web application security isnât your thing, Saumil Shah and SK Chong, will dive into vulnerability analysis and next generation exploit writing in The Exploit Laboratory: Black Belt while Matthieu Suiche from MoonSols will be running a Windows Physical Memory Acquisition & Analysis course catoring to those interested in investigations and forensic analysis. On the 19th and 20th the Krasnapolsky transforms into a quad track conference area hosting several of the worlds leading network security experts with an opening keynote delivered by Joe Sullivan, Chief Security Officer at Facebook. As CSO at the worlds largest social network, Sullivan will take attendees through various case studies illustrating how Facebook Security remains innovative in the face of an ever evolving threat landscape and how they maintain a unique ability to go on the offense through innovative use of civil and criminal enforcement mechanisms. The final day of the conference will commence with a special keynote panel discussion on the Economics of Vulnerabilities. Projects like Zero Day Initiative (ZDI) and more recently Mozilla and Googleâs reward programs for exploit disclosure has created a legitimate source of income for security researchers. But what about the black market? Aiming to answer this question and others, the keynote panel of experts includes Lucas Adamski, Director of Security Engineering at Mozilla Corp; Steve Adegbite, Senior Security Strategist at Adobe Systems Inc.; Aaron Portnoy, Manager of the Security Research Team for TippingPoint / ZDI; Chris Evans, Information Security Engineer and Chrome Security Lead at Google Corp and Katie Moussouris, Senior Security Strategist at Microsoftâs Security Response Center (MSRC). In addition to the 60 minute talks, attendees who want to get their hands dirty are welcome to join the HITB Labs segment â These are 2-hour hands-on presentations that require audience interaction and this yearsâ labs will include segments on Malicious PDF Analysis, The Art of Exploiting SQL Injection Flaws and Advanced Linux Server Exploitation. During the coffee and lunch breaks, The HITB SIGINT sessions will be in effect â 15 minute bite-sized presentations designed to provide an overview for material and research that's 'up and coming'. Alongside the main conference proceedings, the HITB experience is further enhanced with a technology showcase and exhibition area. This area is open to the public and will be home to the Hackerspaces Village in which youâll find representatives from the various European hackerspaces showcasing their projects. Participating spaces will also be competing in the first-ever âHITB Hackerspaces Challengeâ featuring LEGO Mindstorms! In addition to the Hackerspaces Village, there will also be a Lock Picking Village run by members of TOOOL Netherlands where you can try your hand at picking, bumping, safecracking, and other physical security attacks and of course the âworld famousâ HITB Capture The Flag competition! Run for the first time by the .NL CTF Crew, this attack-only game aims to mimic real world scenarios and events - whether itâs breaking in via SQL injection vulnerabilities, escalating your privileges through a buffer overflow or having to pick your way through a simple lock, this years game will make even the most elite âhackersâ sweat! For more information on HITBSecConf2011 â Amsterdam and to register for the event, please see: