Security News > 2006 > April > After attack, Network Solutions knocked down again

After attack, Network Solutions knocked down again
2006-04-05 09:25,10801,110193,00.html by Robert McMillan APRIL 04, 2006 IDG NEWS SERVICE For the second time in a week, domain-name registrar Network Solutions Inc. has experienced a disruption of service. The company's Web site was inaccessible for more than two hours earlier today because of an outage at the company's Internet service provider, Savvis Inc. "Our collocation provider experienced a global outage, so people could not access their products and services from about 7:56 a.m. to about 10:02 a.m. this morning, Eastern time," said Susan Wade, a Network Solutions spokeswoman. The provider in question was Savvis, she said. The Network Solutions Web site is now operating normally, she said this afternoon. Network Solutions was the first company authorized to register the Internet's domain names, and its Web site is still widely used to register and mange information about domain names. This outage comes a week after the Herndon, Va.-based company's WorldNIC Domain Name System (DNS) servers were hit by a denial-of-service attack, which temporarily disrupted the servers (see "Update: Two DNS servers hit by denial-of-service attacks" [1]). The WorldNIC servers are used to translate domain names such as into the numerical Internet Protocol addresses used by computers on the Internet. Savvis officials could not be reached for comment, but discussion early today on a list [2] used by network operators indicated that the company may have had a problem at its data center in Weehawken, N.J. [1],10801,109972,00.html [2] _________________________________ Donate online for the Ron Santo Walk to Cure Diabetes

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