Security News > 2005 > November > Black Hat Federal and Europe CFP and Registration now open

Forwarded from: Jeff Moss Hello Information Security News readers, Things have been busy at Black Hat, and I would like to make some brief announcements about our Call For Papers (CFP), Registration, RSS + Pod casts, and legal battles. BLACK HAT FEDERAL 2006 Trainings and Briefings January 23rd to the 26th Sheraton Crystal City, Washington D.C. - Call For Papers is now open. - Registration for the Trainings and Briefings are open. BLACK HAT EUROPE 2006 Trainings and Briefings February 28th to March 3rd Grand Hotel Krasnapolsky, Amsterdam, the Netherlands - Call For Papers is now open. - Registration for the Trainings and Briefings are open. BLACK HAT RSS FEED The RSS feed from Black Hat can be used to keep you up to date with announcements, presentations, and new speech content. Check it out: BLACK HAT JAPAN 2005 PODCASTS The presentations from the recent Black Hat Japan Briefings are now on-line. We are also experimenting with new ways to share our content with the community, and the first of these is to release some of the audio recordings as Âpod casts in .m4a format through our RSS feed. BLACK PAGE UPDATE Early next week you will see my first written statement regarding the Cisco/ISS incident that occurred at the summer Black Hat in Las Vegas. The issues brought up last summer are important to the entire security community and I invite the community to read and reflect on my thoughts, as well as those of other security experts. IN MORE DETAIL: FEDERAL 2006 CALL FOR PAPERS Black Hat is proud to return to Washington D.C. after its last Briefings in 2003. For 2006 there will be expanded training offerings, focused presentations, and a convenient central location two metro stops from the Pentagon. Black Hat Federal 2006 is a unique show specifically crafted to look at issues important to those charged with protecting critical networks and information from the most sophisticated adversaries. Submissions should be very technical and specific to threats and defenses that surround the challenging security problems facing hosts and networks today. We hope to offer a federal perspective on security issues and new directions to further security trade craft. The Federal Government faces different threat models than the corporate community, with adversaries having different motivations, resources, and tools. Submissions should reflect this difference, with suggested topics including the current state of root kits and their detection, network IDS evasion & detection, covert communications, reverse engineering / anti-reverse engineering, defeating biometric systems, and the current state of the exploit development life cycle. BLACK HAT FEDERAL 2006 REGISTRATION Black Hat Federal 2006 Briefings and Trainings registration is now open. The Briefings offer two tracks over two days with 22 presentations. There will be 11 Trainings classes, with new offerings such as Saumil Shah's "The Exploit Laboratory - Buffer Overflows For Beginners," and Matt Hargett's "Binary Static Analysis: From the Inside-Out." Class sizes for all trainings are limited to ensure each student receives individual attention. Register early before classes fill up and to receive an early discount. EUROPE 2006 CALL FOR PAPERS The Black Hat Briefings 2006 Europe CFP is opened. Submit your cutting edge, vendor neutral security research today. Black Hat Europe '06 takes place February 28th to March 3rd at the Grand Hotel Krasnapolsky, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. BLACK HAT EUROPE 2006 REGISTRATION OPEN Black Hat Europe 2006 Briefings and Trainings registration is now open. The Briefings offer two tracks over two days with 25 presentations. There will be 10 Training classes with new offerings and an updated SensePost class "Hacking by Numbers: Combat Edition." Due to limited class size, many of our classes fill up quickly. Register early to ensure training availability and to take advantage of our early bird registration discount. WHAT IS THE BLACK HAT BRIEFINGS? The Black Hat Briefings fill the need for computer security professionals to better understand the security risks and potential threats to their information infrastructures and computer systems. Black Hat accomplishes this by assembling a group of vendor-neutral security professionals and having them present candidly about the problems businesses face and their solutions to those problems. No gimmicks - just straight talk by people who make it their business to explore the ever-changing security space. IMPORTANT DATES - January 23-26: Federal Briefings 2006 & Training, Sheraton Crystal City, Washington, DC - February 28-March 3: Europe 2006 Briefings & Training, Grand Hotel Krasnapolsky, Amsterdam, the Netherlands - July 29-August 3: USA 2006 Briefings & Training, Caesars Palace, Las Vegas Please visit for more complete information. Jeff Moss _________________________________________ Earn your Master's degree in Information Security ONLINE Study IA management practices and the latest infosec issues. Norwich University is an NSA Center of Excellence.