Security News > 2004 > August > Call for Papers : Pak Con 1st

Forwarded from: fz () pakcon org [ call for papers ] Papers and presentations are now being accepted for PakCon 1st, Pakistan's First Hacking convention. [ submission ] Papers that are more technical or that discuss new and never-seen-before attack methods are of more interest than a subject that has been covered several times before. We are striving to create a deep-knowledge technical conference and any presentation that helps achieve this will most likely be selected. Speakers wishing to present their papers at the convention should submit a 1 page abstract of their topic of discussion either in plain text or portable document format (.pdf) latest by August 20th, 2004 at cfp () pakcon org Attachments of any other form or those triggering our antivirus software shall be deleted and the speaker shall not be entertained. Candidates whose papers are selected for presentation will be contacted via e-mail if there are any questions regarding their presentation, and would be required to submit their complete papers no later than September 10th, 2004. Complete papers are to be submitted with hard copies of the same for distribution amongst the audience. [ topics ] Topics of interest include, but are not limited to the following: . Information Security . Network & Vulnerability Analysis . Penetrating Testing . Firewall technologies . Intrusion detection and prevention technologies . Denial-of-service attacks and countermeasures . Encryption technologies . Honeypots / Honeynets . 0-day Attacks . Incident Response and Disaster Recovery . GPRS and CDMA Security . Access Control & Authentication . Network Protocol and Analysis . Viruses, Worms, Trojans . WLAN and Bluetooth Security. . Malicious code analysis . Analysis of attacks against networks and machines . OS Hardening . File system security . Security in heterogeneous and large-scale environments . Techniques for developing secure systems This list is not intended to limit possible topics, but is merely to give examples of topics. Please note: We do not accept product or vendor related pitches. If your talk involves an advertisement for a new product or service your company is offering, please do not submit. [ presentation resources] Requirements for any special audio/video or presentation aid should be communicated well in advance to the management who will try their best to arrange for the same. In the event of requirement of proprietary equipment the speaker is to arrange for the same. In any case, the speaker is required to inform the management of his/her presentation hardware/software. [ timing ] Each speaker shall be allotted a time slot of a maximum of 45 minutes to setup and deliver his/her paper. It is expected the speaker will budget time for any special equipment setup and audience participation including a Q&A session. [ remuneration ] As Pak Con 1st is a community based, non-profit event, Pak Con will not be providing any remuneration for papers presented or for any products displayed during the course of events. Though, we will be able to provide accommodation to the speakers coming from outside Karachi, Pakistan. For further details, please contact us directly. Now is the time to prepare and submit your Pak Con 1st presentation. [ want more information? ] Please visit for detailed information regarding speakers and accepted papers. Updated announcements will be posted to newsgroups, security mailing lists and this web site. _________________________________________ Open Source Vulnerability Database (OSVDB) Everything is Vulnerable -