Security News > 2003 > October > R.I.P Ghent It is with a heavy heart that I must inform you of the passing of a very dear friend and brother. Ghent aka Branden Hancock died of injuries sustained in a motorcycle accident. He is survived by his mother and younger sister. Ghent was 26 years old. Ghent passed with friends and doing something he loved. Any messages for the family can be sent to condolences {at} 23 _dot_ org. Ghent was a wonderful person and he will be missed. Ghent will be laid to rest Monday Nov 3, at 2pm. All are welcome. It will be held at : Luyben Family Mortuary 5161 Arbor Rd Long Beach CA 90808 562-425-6401 A PayPal account has been set up to accept donations in Ghents memory. Donations will go to help cover funeral costs. You can paypal your donations to memorial {at} 23 _dot_ org - ISN is currently hosted by To unsubscribe email majordomo () attrition org with 'unsubscribe isn' in the BODY of the mail.