Security News > 2001 > August > Security Statistics

Forwarded by: Mark Bernard Good afternoon all, Something of interest for your perusal; It's true that most of you won't be surprised by this list, but it always nice to know that there really are other people out there who actually agree with you!,4167,KEY73_STO62002,00.html * Risks of Doing E-Business * Who does the best job of protecting data on computers? * Virus Alert * Top Security Job Markets [Interesting to read that the average salary for information security professionals in the midwest is $71,300 and yet the figure is $64,100 for all my friends that left here and headed off to the west coast for better pickings. :) - WK] - ISN is currently hosted by To unsubscribe email majordomo () attrition org with 'unsubscribe isn' in the BODY of the mail.
News URL,4167,KEY73_STO62002,00.html