Security News > 2001 > June > Whonami - New Resource for Security/Network Admins

Forwarded by: Richard Forno FYI, this is a free public service that I helped launch this week as an internet community's still growing and evolving, but I think anyone involved with CCI, INFOSEC, or network admin work will find this useful. Cheers, Rick Forno / Whonami, Ltd. announces the public release of the world's first independent multi-lingual global domain name search and registration service. Whonami Global Internet Name Search Service (GINS) is a user-friendly web service enabling Internet users to query domain names and phrases from an ever-growing list of worldwide possibilities. Free to all users, Whonami GINS operates in seconds - not minutes or days - and currently conducts searches in over 170 Top-Level Domains (TLDs) around the world. As an independent query service not operated by any specific domain registrar, Whonami GINS is able to offer domain name search and registration resources covering US Top-Level and unrestricted international domain names in one search, and will soon support the growing number of publicly-accepted alternate domains such as Dot-Biz, Dot-MP3, and Dot-XXX offered by various domain registration companies. Whonami GINS will also support ICANN-approved new TLDs (such as Dot-Info) as they become available. Whonami GINS also provides Internet Protocol address lookups (via the ARIN IP address database) and facilitates international domain name searches or registrations by offering English language translation services. Further, Whonami GINS offers international users the ability to cut-and-pate search requests from users? native alphabets including Arabic, Simple Chinese, Cyrillic, Kanji, and others. The domain name environment is a highly dynamic one, often mixed with competing industry and organizational interests. In such an environment, it is essential that a public resource exist that can not only adapt quickly to change, but can remain objective and focussed on a specific function instead of multiple business models. Users of Whonami GINS include new Internet users searching for a desirable domain name and organizations wishing to develop a list of all domain names they may own. Whonami GINS is particularly useful for network administrators and those who must identify potential trademark infringement or misuse of corporate marks. Whonami GINS is committed to user privacy and does not archive or exploit logs of its customer queries or activities. Whonami GINS is found at Inquiries To: info () whonami org ISN is hosted by --- To unsubscribe email isn-unsubscribe () SecurityFocus com