Security News > 2001 > February > Wheee! A fairly slow news day...

Yup, A fairly slow news day, Take it as a blessing in disguise, or the quiet before the storm. Checking the logs to I found an interesting site linking to the main page worth recommending to everyone else. Unblinking by Gary Stock: Why the FBI loves the Internet In Gary's words on the main page, UnBlinking refers to my rather bad habit of surfing until I reach the end of the internet, so to speak. Just keep clicking and linking, and never look away -- no matter how bizarre the path! (As this writing proves, this habit is now being exploited for good, not evil, by our esteemed host Mr. Dawson.) The end of the internet often leads back to its beginning in peculiar ways. The issue above is on Richard Hanssen, and covers lots of interesting subjects that I have yet to see covered, (Besides Hanssen & the Opus Dei) and with all the journalists on the list, We will probably see some of this in print later on this week. ;) I doubt that I wouldn't have known that the boys and girls working in the 20755 zip code have their own gun club and are actively looking for members, had I not read Mr' Stock's article. Wonder if they allow associate membership? Cheers! William Knowles isn () c4i org ISN is hosted by --- To unsubscribe email LISTSERV () SecurityFocus com with a message body of "SIGNOFF ISN".
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