Security News > 2001 > February > Kasten Chase and RIM provide wireless security for U.S. government By TelekomNet Feb. 8, 2001 The Department of Defense will use BlackBerry email from RIM because it has 'end-to-end encryptions.' Kasten Chase and Research in Motion have joined forces to provide secure wireless access to the U.S. government's Defense Message System. The two companies will use RIM's BlackBerry wireless email service and Kasten Chase's RASP Data Security for wireless applications software. There are 300,000 users of the message system within the U.S. Department of Defense and allied countries. "BlackBerry incorporates a fundamentally sound security model that enables end-to-end encryptions," said Don Morrison, chief operating officer of RIM "This end-to-end design is crucial for meeting the security standards of most organizations." Research In Motion [Nasdaq:RIMM], based in Waterloo, Ontario, provides hardware, software and services for the mobile communications market. Kasten Chase, based in Toronto, Ontario, provides technology and services for data security, Internet access and wireless communications. ISN is hosted by --- To unsubscribe email LISTSERV () SecurityFocus com with a message body of "SIGNOFF ISN".
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