Security News > 2001 > January > Meeting announcements

Forwarded by: Bob Adams I'm new to the list, but couldn't help noticing that there are frequent announcements of meetings, seminars, conferences, and the like. I can offer a means for further publicizing these events, if it's of any interest and if so requested (I don't arbitrarily publicize events without the sponsor's knowledge). I'll explain what I mean, and then what I'd need. First, I direct the Global Development Center (, a small, private, non-profit, non-ideological, non-sectarian humanitarian agency in Washington, DC. We are perpetually impoverished (no direct mail, phone solicitation, or government grants, thank you), but we do our best to provide a very modest "global community center on the Internet". In addition, we operate a small satellite site, 21st Century Disasters ( which covers a number of issues including cyberterrorism, disaster management, and so forth. If lightening should ever strike, we'll expand it significantly, but for the moment, it's simple. We offer our readers the opportunity to advertise their public meetings relevant to our subject areas at our site for free. There's no reason why your meetings can't be included as well, assuming they fit into one of our resource center categories. If this interests you, here's what you have to do. E-mail me at bob () globaldevelopment org and include the following information: Meeting Title *Brief* Description (try to keep this to two or three sentences) Dates Location URL or contact e-mail address or both for further information Please don't send your entire meeting announcement. Just the above info. Note that we are a small site with only 8-9,000 visitors a month. Many are drawn from the general public, especially students, as well as from people in the various fields. However, we have also discovered that we are frequently visited by professional journalists doing research. Thus, there's a chance that you might pick up a little more free publicity as a result. Hope this helps someone! Bob Adams Executive Director Global Development Center bob () globaldevelopment org ISN is hosted by --- To unsubscribe email LISTSERV () SecurityFocus com with a message body of "SIGNOFF ISN".
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