Security News > 2000 > November > A few more quickies...

As usual, Another busy day of information security news. Just a couple interesting links that have passed my desk today and while wandering the halls around the 27th Annual Computer Security Institute show here in Chicago. While I doubt this qualifies as the NSA's definition for proper data destruction, It sure as hell looks fun... and I have already found a firm offering the perfect destructive device for all my media, Wonder if they will paint on the on the side? I'm sure there isn't a person on this list that hasn't had a conference call at break-neck speed on their cellphone, But besides the tank, I have found exactly what I want under my Christmas tree! Hope to see some of you here in Chicago! William Knowles isn () c4i org ISN is hosted by --- To unsubscribe email LISTSERV () SecurityFocus com with a message body of "SIGNOFF ISN".