Security News > 2000 > September > The Threats to the Infrastructure are on the Inside Too!
![The Threats to the Infrastructure are on the Inside Too!](/static/build/img/news/alt/cyberattack-statistics-1-medium.jpg)
[Moderators Note: I have told a member of this list that I have consulted for in the past (He knows who he is!) that they should spend time worrying about the insiders sometimes more than the outsiders. Malicious parties & information security groups with practices in the Far East can try contacting John Young for more information at the e-mail address below. :-) -WK] -Fwd- Date: 5 Sep 00 09:36:49 MDT From: [deleted] To: jya () pipeline com Subject: Help me please Hi, John Young: I'm from China. Because I'm poorly, so I want to sell some intelligence of Chinese bank. Help me how can I sell these information please. Can you read Chinese? Because most of info are Chinese detail. I've got some materials about [deleted] Bank network of Chinese. If you get it, you can control this big [delete] Bank. Chinese mainland one [delete] bank most intelligence following: (size: about 40M and more) bank_intranet: 1. device-ip-address 2. Gateway-address 3. IP-address 4. network95 explain 5. 1999 network plan 6. Big business department special line number 7. Computer room materials 8. Network terminal materials 9. Organization materials 10. Route exchange IP formIP 11. port scheme 12. intranet implement scheme 0422 0422 13. Standard 14. INTERNET network IP address distribute of all province 15. All branch banks of China IP address distribute IP 16. Be in moution of central network device dispose 17. special line statistics 18. IP address coding standard IP 19. Business department accounts organ IP address formIP 20. organ investigate form 21. organ confirm form 22. IP address and telephone number of main computer IP 23. Dial backup telephone number form 24. data inside city 25. competely divide system 26. competely calculate and competely divide telephone number form 27. competely calculate address form 28. DNS main computer IP address name standardIP# 29. DNS organ unite server IP address form____IP6 30. network dispose of central cumputer room 31. parameter of all city special line 32. No.7 of a bank communicate line form 33. telephone number backup form 34. telephone choice unite detail 35. province bank data communication network scheme 36. content test of exchange 37. No.3 bureau data materials 38. province branch network 39. province branch network form 40. code stock .nsf .nsf 41. enterprise networker IP address form 6 of province branchIP6 42. IP 43. Network teaching materials 44. terminal No 45. No.2 branch data communication.ntf.ntf 46. No.1 branch data communication.ntf.ntf 47. IP 48. accounts calculate of province branch 49. accounts IP address of province branch 50. Business department organ code of Provice branch 51. 52. network card manual 54. Route dispose -internet-internet 55. teaching materials 11 56. All province special line drawing 57. resources plan 58. network manual 59. system scheme 60. special line imformation of 4 Dao Street 61. 0817 62. 63. DDN 64. DTS 65. 66. ATM material ATM DDN 67. ATM DATA MATERIALSATM 68. ATM 69. DDN 70. E1 terminal dispose formE1 71. motolola software 72. 73. 74. 75. ATM 76. ATM2.1 77. ATM 78. ATM 79. ATM 80. Network teaching material Net 81. x.25 route information x.25 82. xx_25 route information x_25 83. Safe teaching materials 84. 85. 86. technology appendix 87. X25 88. 89. 90. 91. teaching materials 2 2 92. 93. Answer me quickly please. Thanks ----------------------------------------------------------------- *==============================================================* "Communications without intelligence is noise; Intelligence without communications is irrelevant." Gen Alfred. M. Gray, USMC ================================================================ - Computer Security, & Intelligence - *==============================================================* ISN is hosted by --- To unsubscribe email LISTSERV () SecurityFocus com with a message body of "SIGNOFF ISN".