Security News > 2000 > August > The Not-So-Scientific Process During a recent trip to New York to attend HOPE 2000, I was introduced to a new project underway to help "dispel the myths about hackers". Founded by a four person team at the Laurentian University School of Commerce, they have devised a survey to help "further Hackerdom's growth by enabling outsiders to better understand Hackerdom and focus on its positive contributions to society, now, and in the future.." During the group's presentation at HOPE 2000, several points were brought up by the audience that casted doubt as to the validity of the survey, the 'scientific' nature of their work, the scope of their questions, and the honesty of their intentions. After the talk, I stopped by their booth to pick up additional information as well as a full copy of the survey they were asking 'hackers' to fill out. As I began to read the survey and digest their replies to audience questions, I had more and more doubts as to the survey's use and ultimate goal. Rather than dispelling hacker myths as it claimed, it seemed to be a tool that helped perpetuate some myths, while ignoring others that need dispelling. Matt and I were able to catch up to one of the team members at Defcon 8 and ask her some followup questions. Her replies fueled my frustration and lead me to wonder what this team was doing on such a project at all. Instead of explaining points that were unclear, she only brought more doubts and concerns as vague and dodgy answers came out. [...] [Read the rest! -WK] ISN is hosted by --- To unsubscribe email LISTSERV () SecurityFocus com with a message body of "SIGNOFF ISN".
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