Security News > 2000 > August > Heheh: NTK now, 2000-08-11 (fwd)

More from this weeks NTK: >> EVENT QUEUE << goto's considered non-harmful Al Gore, inventor of the Internet, has sadly stepped in to fix his site after our old pals the DATA NETWORK SECURITY COUNCIL had confidently predicted that it might be defaced by the likes of "G-Force Pakistan" if it continued to offer "full read/write and shell capabilities" via default Microsoft Remote Data Services settings. Of course, it would merely be unfortunate coincidence if this had occurred during their annual DNSCON 2000 conference in Blackpool (from next Fri 2000-08-18), where you can check out "Beer, Sandcastles and Computer Security" - and maybe (if we don't make it along ourselves) obtain documentary evidence of a (reputed) "NTK Bar" somewhere in the area. - sequel to last year's "Secondary DNS" titling quandry - "secure" folder something of a misnomer - no wonder there's no customers in the database ISN is hosted by --- To unsubscribe email LISTSERV () SecurityFocus com with a message body of "SIGNOFF ISN".