Security News > 2000 > May > Anti-Virus Patents Issued to Start-Up, RVT Technologies, Inc. For the Isolation of Computer Systems

Anti-Virus Patents Issued to Start-Up, RVT Technologies, Inc. For the Isolation of Computer Systems Copyright © 2000 Nando Media Anti-Virus Patents Issued to Start-Up, RVT Technologies, Inc. For the Isolation of Computer Systems 'Stop-It' Anti-Virus Technology Provides Revolutionary Approach For Protecting Computers and Networks LILBURN, Ga., May 9 (May 9, 2000 13:28:52 EST) -- RVT Technologies, Inc., a small start- up, has been issued two patents by United States Patent Office that represent a revolutionary use of electronics for screening and isolating viruses and malicious code. Cecelia Slattery, President & CEO, will detail today at a press conference, the core technology behind the anti-virus and data isolator components of "Stop-It's" unique security products. Ms. Slattery knows her "Stop-It"(R) technology represents a revolutionary and innovative solution for isolating personal computers and networks from viruses. The technology is an application of electronics, pre-modem, creating an optical air-gap that regulates access to computers. "Stop-It's" initial products will contain a bi-directional optical interface, delivered on a single enhancement card. RVT Technologies, Inc. is the first to introduce a hardware delivery system, which will contain embedded anti-virus libraries and also encryption components. The company will be licensing its technology, which will evolve into uses within networks, routers, switches and eventually in all Internet wireless devices. This patented technology has been developed in prototypes at the lab of RVT Technologies in Georgia. In order to produce the millions of units needed to prevent viruses, Ms. Slattery is seeking a computer industry/alliance partner to proliferate the technology.; -- Patrick Oonk - PO1-6BONE - patrick () pine nl - Pine Internet - PAT31337-RIPE - PGP keyID BE7497F1 - XOIP 0208723350 Tel: +31-70-3111010 - Fax: +31-70-3111011 - PGP fingerprint A6 12 66 7F 22 84 1B E5 73 8C 99 F7 17 7B A3 98 Excuse of the day: Having to manually track the satellite. ISN is sponsored by --- To unsubscribe email LISTSERV () SecurityFocus com with a message body of "SIGNOFF ISN".
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