Security News

We don't know what we don't know (Help Net Security)
2015-07-07 06:51

Citing the latest cyber security statistics is a popular way for security companies to show that they are keeping a watchful eye on the threat landscape. Where does the majority of threats come from? ...

Flaw allows hijacking of professional surveillance AirLive cameras (Help Net Security)
2015-07-07 06:45

Nahuel Riva, a research engineer from Core Security, discovered vulnerabilities in AirLive’s surveillance cameras designed for professional surveillance and security applications. He was able to invok...

Old MS Office feature can be exploited to deliver, execute malware (Help Net Security)
2015-07-06 15:18

A Microsoft Office functionality that has been in use since the early 1990s can be exploited to deliver malicious, executable files to users without triggering widely used security software, claims se...

Let's Encrypt CA releases transparency report before its first certificate (Help Net Security)
2015-07-06 12:40

The non-profit CA launched by the EFF, Mozilla and several other businesses and organizations is determined to gain and retain users' trust. After hiring outside experts to conduct a security revi...

Reactions to the Hacking Team breach (Help Net Security)
2015-07-06 11:38

Hacking Team, the (in)famous Italian company that provides offensive intrusion and surveillance software to governments, intelligence and law enforcement agencies around the world, has been hacked. ...

Man gets 50 months in prison hacking U.S.-based financial institutions (Help Net Security)
2015-07-06 10:24

Qendrim Dobruna, a member of an international cybercrime syndicate, was sentenced to 50 months’ imprisonment and restitution in the amount of $14 million for his role in hacking into the computer syst...