Security News

CFP:  New Security Paradigms Workshop 2002
2002-01-10 13:12

Forwarded from: Abe Singer Call For Papers New Security Paradigms Workshop 2002 An ACM/SIG sponsored workshop 23 - 26 September 2002 The Chamberlain Hotel, Hampton, Virginia, USA...

Report warns of al-Qaeda's potential cybercapabilities
2002-01-07 07:34,4125,NAV47_STO67092,00.html By DAN VERTON January 04, 2002 An obscure report issued Dec. 21 by the Canadian Office of Critical Infrastructure Protection and...

Kabul computer reveals files of top Al Qaeda officials
2002-01-04 11:09

Forwarded from: Nelson Murilo Associated Press December 31, 2001 Kabul computer reveals files of top Al Qaeda officials By D. Ian...

Instant Messenger flaw fixed; hackers criticized for little warning
2002-01-04 11:03 By D. IAN HOPPER, Associated Press WASHINGTON (January 3, 2002 1:07 p.m. EST) - As AOL Time Warner engineers opened their presents...

Security hole in AOL Instant Messenger leaves computers vulnerable to remote takeover
2002-01-03 06:11 By D. IAN HOPPER, Associated Press WASHINGTON (January 2, 2002 3:21 p.m. EST) - A security hole in AOL Time Warner's Instant...

[defaced-commentary] Secureroot Computer Security Resource Defaced
2001-12-28 07:07

---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Thu, 27 Dec 2001 12:06:03 -0500 (EST) From: security curmudgeon To: defaced-commentary () attrition org Subject: [defaced-commentary] Secureroot...

Call for Nominations
2001-12-27 07:56

*** CALL FOR NOMINATIONS **** Second Annual Computer Security & Information Assurance Awards Presented January 23, 2002 at the Computer Security and IA Conference Ronald Reagan Building,...

Hacker targets Globe website
2001-12-25 08:51 Posted: 7:20 PM (Manila Time) | December 24, 2001 By Joey G. Alarilla INQ7 ONE of the local hackers who claimed responsibility for defacing...

Re: Want better workplace security?
2001-12-24 08:17

Forwarded from: Robert G. Ferrell

2001-12-24 08:16

Forwarded from: Jason Ware This is someone's eggdrop botnet, the first part of the dump is the user file. The -bfoN is the user flags set, and b means another bot. The port it listens to, 9872, is...