Security News

Ohio Gov. Kasich’s website, dozens of others defaced using year-old exploit (ArsTechnica)
2017-06-27 19:05

"High risk" exploit patch was issued in May of 2016.

Botnets Can Exploit More Vulnerabilities in DVRs (Security Week)
2017-06-20 13:05

Newly discovered vulnerabilities affecting DVR systems could open the door to new, more potent Internet of Things (IoT) botnets, Pen Test Partners security researchers warn. read more

'Eulogizing'  Neutrino Exploit Kit (InfoRiskToday)
2017-06-20 10:02

Writing the obituary for the lifeless Neutrino exploit kit leads the latest edition of the ISMG Security Report. Also, judging the value of the Department of Health and Human Services'...

Neutrino Exploit Kit: No Signs of Life (InfoRiskToday)
2017-06-15 19:33

Poor Profits May Have Driven Developers Out of Botnet-Building BusinessGood news: The Neutrino botnet - once a major exploit kit player - appears to have disappeared from the cybercrime scene....

Rare XP Patches Fix Three Remaining Leaked NSA Exploits (Threatpost)
2017-06-14 12:50

Microsoft released patches on Tuesday for unsupported versions of Windows, a decision prompted by three NSA exploits that remained unaddressed from April’s ShadowBrokers leak.

Windows XP Receives Patches for More 'Shadow Brokers' Exploits (Security Week)
2017-06-14 09:02

Microsoft has released patches for Windows XP and other outdated versions of the operating system to fix several critical vulnerabilities that are at heightened risk of being exploited by...

Microsoft Releases Patches for 3 Remaining NSA Windows Exploits (The Hackers News)
2017-06-14 02:27

Did you know… last month's widespread WannaCry ransomware attack forced Microsoft to release security updates against EternalBlue SMB exploit for unsupported versions of Windows, but the company...

Attackers Mining Cryptocurrency Using Exploits for Samba Vulnerability (Threatpost)
2017-06-12 13:34

Kaspersky Lab said it has seen some of the first exploits targeting a patched Samba vulnerability, and those are being used to mine Monero cryptocurrency.

NSA’s EternalBlue Exploit Ported to Windows 10 (Threatpost)
2017-06-06 15:15

Researchers have ported the EternalBlue exploit to Windows 10, meaning that any unpatched version of Windows can be affected by the NSA attack.