Security News

Exploits Available for Siemens Molecular Imaging Vulnerabilities (Threatpost)
2017-08-04 18:24

ICS-CERT published advisories this week warning users of Siemens molecular imaging products of publicly exploits for Windows 7 versions of those devices.

PoC Malware Exploits Cloud Anti-Virus for Data Exfiltration (Security Week)
2017-07-31 16:31

Security researchers at SafeBreach have created proof-of-concept (PoC) malware that can exfiltrate data from endpoints that don’t have a direct Internet connection by exploiting cloud-enhanced...

New Linux Malware Exploits SambaCry Flaw to Silently Backdoor NAS Devices (The Hackers News)
2017-07-19 01:23

Remember SambaCry? Almost two months ago, we reported about a 7-year-old critical remote code execution vulnerability in Samba networking software, allowing a hacker to remotely take full control...

Malware Targets NAS Devices Via SambaCry Exploit (Security Week)
2017-07-18 16:24

A piece of malware dubbed by researchers SHELLBIND leverages a recently patched Samba vulnerability in attacks aimed at Internet of Things (IoT) devices, particularly network-attached storage...

EternalSynergy-Based Exploit Targets Recent Windows Versions (Security Week)
2017-07-18 16:18

A security researcher has devised an EternalSynergy-based exploit that can compromise versions of Windows newer than Windows 8. read more

751 domains hijacked to redirect visitors to exploit kit (Help Net Security)
2017-07-14 16:44

An unknown attacker has managed to modify the name servers assigned to 751 domains, which resulted in some visitors to the hijacked domains being redirected to a site hosting the Rig Exploit Kit...

Samba puts out new security update to address exploit that fueled WannaCry (ArsTechnica)
2017-07-13 16:08

Vuln hit "all versions of Samba from 4.0.0 onward using embedded Heimdal Kerberos."

Local Root Exploit Found on Lenovo Smartphone (Security Week)
2017-07-03 15:10

The Lenovo VIBE smartphone was found to include vulnerabilities that could allow an attacker with physical access to the device to gain root privileges. read more

No evidence NotPetya developers obtained NSA exploits weeks before their public leak (ArsTechnica)
2017-06-30 14:13

Evidence ties people behind massive malware attack to mysterious Shadow Brokers group.

CIA Exploits Against Wireless Routers (Schneier on Security)
2017-06-28 10:35

WikiLeaks has published CherryBlossom, the CIA's program to hack into wireless routers. The program is about a decade old. Four good news articles. Five. And a list of vulnerable routers....