Security News > 2023 > April > Gaining an Advantage in Roulette

Gaining an Advantage in Roulette
2023-04-14 11:02

The same unbalanced,"Wear and slop" applies to many systems even software not just mechanical systems.

These can and frequently do carry "Information" impressed / modulated upon them out of the confines of a system.

We tend to call them "Side channels", and they almost always exist for two fundemental "Laws of nature" reasons,.

Arises, a prime example being the AES algorithm, secure in theory but riddled with time, power, and work side channels in practical implementations.

Especially bad where in the design and implementation of systems "Efficiency -v- Security" favoured "Efficiency" in some way.

In many cases trying to solve side channels is like air bubbles under wallpaper when you hang it.

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