Security News > 2023 > April > The new weakest link in the cybersecurity chain

The new weakest link in the cybersecurity chain
2023-04-13 04:30

Attackers capitalized on that fact and targeted employees directly to gain access to an organization.

Leveraging highly automated methods, attackers must only fool one employee to start a catastrophic attack against the entire organization.

Attackers have come to realize that such unmonitored systems present the same opportunity of access employees once did - namely, an attack surface that can be found and exploited using highly automated, low-cost methods.

If a vulnerability like the one discovered a few years ago in the Log4j library was found again in another widely used library tomorrow, how long would it take for your organization to identify all your vulnerable systems? Would you be confident that you found them all? Would attackers know more about your systems than you do?

Organizations must prioritize attack surface management to address this new threat because if they don't, attackers will know about these weaknesses before they do.

While technology has helped to block incoming phishing attacks, it can also help identify and capture a threat actor if they get past these defenses.

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