Security News > 2021

Europol announces bust of “world’s biggest” dark web marketplace
2021-01-14 22:20

As you can imagine, it operated on the so-called dark web, and you'd have needed the Tor browser to access it, using a special web address ending in. As it happens, the epithet dark in the word dark web isn't a metaphorical reference implying that everything on the dark web is evil and dystopian.

How to install Eternal Terminal for persistent SSH connections
2021-01-14 21:58

If you have trouble with SSH connections breaking, Jack Wallen shows you how you can enjoy a bit more persistence with the help of Eternal Terminal. One way around this problem is by using Eternal Terminal, in place of SSH. Eternal Terminal does a great job of re-establishing a connection to a remote machine, without user intervention.

Florida Ethics Officer Charged with Cyberstalking
2021-01-14 19:33

A Tallahassee city ethics officer was arrested and charged with cyberstalking her coworker and former lover, and is now banned by a judge from using the internet for anything besides work, paying bills and her legal defense. Julie Meadows-Keef is accused of cyberstalking Bert Fletcher, the Tallahassee Democrat newspaper reported.

Vulnerability Exposes F5 BIG-IP Systems to Remote DoS Attacks
2021-01-14 18:50

A vulnerability discovered by a researcher in a BIG-IP product from F5 Networks can be exploited to launch remote denial-of-service attacks. The security flaw was discovered by Nikita Abramov, a researcher at cybersecurity solutions provider Positive Technologies, and it impacts certain versions of BIG-IP Access Policy Manager, a secure access solution that simplifies and centralizes access to applications, APIs and data.

Coming in at number 5, it's a blast from the past! Tenable's 2020 security flaw chart show features hits of yesteryear
2021-01-14 18:37

Out of the top five vulnerabilities for 2020 three dated back to 2019 or earlier, according to infosec firm Tenable's annual threat report. While Zerologon was the company's number one insecurity for 2020, the hoary old Pulse Secure VPN vuln was number three, while flaws in Citrix and Fortinet connectivity platforms dating from 2019 and 2018 respectively were also up there.

Upcoming Speaking Engagements
2021-01-14 17:42

This is a current list of where and when I am scheduled to speak: I’m speaking (online) as part of Western Washington University’s Internet Studies Lecture Series on January 20, 2021. I’m speaking...

Telegram Bots at Heart of Classiscam Scam-as-a-Service
2021-01-14 17:20

A new automated scam-as-a-service has been unearthed, which leverages Telegram bots in order to steal money and payment data from European victims. These groups have bought into full-fledged scam kits, equipping them with Telegram chatbots for automated communication with victims, as well as customized webpages that lead victims to phishing landing pages.

US government warns of cyberattacks targeting cloud services
2021-01-14 16:57

Such attacks often occur when employees work remotely and use a mixture of personal and business devices to access cloud services. Organizations with remote workers who use cloud-based services are being warned of several recent successful cyberattacks against those services.

Verified Twitter accounts hacked in $580k ‘Elon Musk’ crypto scam
2021-01-14 16:47

Threat actors are hacking verified Twitter accounts in an Elon Musk cryptocurrency giveaway scam that has recently become widely active. In 2018, scammers raked in $180,000 using a successful Elon Musk giveaway scam promoted on Twitter.

Cloud Attacks Are Bypassing MFA, Feds Warn
2021-01-14 16:45

The Feds are warning that cybercriminals are bypassing multi-factor authentication and successfully attacking cloud services at various U.S. organizations. "These types of attacks frequently occurred when victim organizations' employees worked remotely and used a mixture of corporate laptops and personal devices to access their respective cloud services," the alert outlined.