Security News > 2021 > May > How willing are enterprise leaders to use top emerging technologies?

How willing are enterprise leaders to use top emerging technologies?
2021-05-24 03:00

Emerging technologies can bring the potential for increased efficiencies, cost savings and improved security for enterprises, among other benefits-but also risk that must be weighed when considering adoption.

The top three characteristics classifying a technology as emerging, per respondents, are technologies with significant disruptive capabilities, technologies with significant problem-solving capacity, and technologies that are recent discoveries.

Cloud, AI and the IoT come in as the top emerging technologies used at enterprises.

Biggest factors motivating emerging technologies implementation Anticipated cost savings.

As much as cost savings drives enterprises to adopt emerging technologies, it also can give them pause-72 percent indicate cost of implementation is a top reason for resistance, followed by 44 percent who cite cybersecurity risk and 42 percent who indicate unclear business objectives as holding them back from implementation.

"When business objectives are clear and risk is appropriately assessed and managed, emerging technologies can bring transformative benefits to an organization," says Dustin Brewer, ISACA senior director, emerging technology and innovation.

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