Security News > 2021 > January > Cybersecurity marketing: Always think of the customer

Cybersecurity marketing: Always think of the customer
2021-01-27 06:00

One of the most impactful professional experiences within my time at Salesforce was a move I made to become the Global Senior Vice President Customer Adoption, Marketing and Business Development.

These days I'm hyper focused on anticipating what the customer needs and that role allowed me to spend my entire day thinking about the customer, their experience and the entire lifecycle from end-to-end.

While my experience has been primarily been at cloud software companies, my biggest priority is to remain focused on the customers' needs.

Everything should be designed from the view of the customer - start listening to your customers to effectively drive that transformation.

To what extent are marketers generally involved in creating a constructive relationship between the company and customers that can result in influencing the direction in which a product will be developed?

From blog posts with best practices, to direct customer outreach to fix potential issues before they become problems, to programs like LastPass's bug bounty program we are constantly working with our customers to make sure they are protected and informed.

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