Security News > 2021 > January > Home schooling – how to stay secure

Home schooling – how to stay secure
2021-01-13 15:35

With default passwords set up by someone else, you can never be sure how many other accounts were set up with the same password, or how many other people have access to the list of defaults that were chosen.

A prerequisite for secure home studying is a secure device.

You can manage the protection for multiple devices from a single Sophos Home account, making it easy to keep all your family's computers and phones secure.

Home Wi-Fi. It's worth taking a few minutes to check that your home Wi-Fi network is secure, both to protect your personal information and, if a family member is working from home, your company network.

Managing home schooling alongside everything else is a major effort for most families, and it can be difficult to find the time and energy to focus on good security as well.

One unexpected advantage we've found of home schooling is that the increased number of shared mealtimes has provided the perfect opportunity to talk about security and privacy as a family.

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