Security News > 2020 > January > Friday Squid Blogging: Stuffed Squid with Vegetables and Pancetta

Friday Squid Blogging: Stuffed Squid with Vegetables and Pancetta
2020-01-10 22:09

As a first world householder the biggest use of energy is "Moving heat around" something like 80% of "Resistive" heating ends up wasted currently.

You can store enough energy to keep a reasonably well insulated home comfortable for upto a week with a few cubic meters of water using heat pumps that over all would use between 10-25% of the energy used by resistive heating.

There are experimental homes that use various techniques where even solar heating works throught the year for both hot water and heating if people remember to close doors etc.

Heat which could be better used heating other places in the house or added to heat storage.

For "Off grid" in poor soil areas using human waste liquid and solid to make compost and fertiliser will over a number of years significantly improve the soil quite safely, enabling it to trap more water and heat and be usefull for growing various low effort crops such as tall grasses that can be used to trap carbon and further improve the soil.

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